Rainwish's Records

Hello! My name is Rainwish and this is my library from when the Animal Jam clans were quite popular. I am a much older warrior now, but I have saved what I am able of past records, thanks to the help of an old friend from those days. These have been moved here to this modern site of mine for safekeeping. If you would like to reach out to me for any reason, do not hesitate.

These are several clans worth of allegiances pages. I was around for a few only, but I felt the need to preserve as much as I can, so here is what I have for you. I was taken far too soon from you, so I hope I can make up for even a little bit of time lost with this. My usernames are ae51021 and bluestone21, with the former being the one used during this time period (2012-2015). I roleplayed from late spring/early summer 2014 to the last week of July 2015.

Thank you for everything during that brief moment in time. I have not forgotten you, and never will, even after all these long years. I have moved on, but my old heart has not. Such is the undeniable truth of who I am, despite everything.

I hope to meet you again, at the far edge of time.

Until then,

~ Rainwish


An Animal Jam photobooth image taken in the Lost Temple of Zios. There is a wolf of various splotches and shades of blue howling and facing the sky. She has a fox hat, silver spike, bow and arrows, elf braclets, and tail armor. These are also shades of blue, minus the collar, which is silver. The Animal Jam symbol is in the top left of the picture, spelling 'AJ' in a circle of orange and yellow.