About Me

Right, right... about myself. ae51021 of Animal Jam Warrior Cats Roleplay. Where do I begin?

Well, late spring/early summer of the year 2014, I was a wandering loner in ol' Sarepia Forest. I was about three years old in Twoleg years. I had been alone for most of my life; I didn't even remember my kin all that well. Perhaps that's a blessing... but that's a tale for another day.

In any case, that loneliness finally ended when I came across Pinestar and Ivyleaf. The former invited me to join his new clan, StreamClan, and I accepted out of curiousity, and a hope that I would finally find a place to belong. And I did! He taught me the warrior ways, and named me Rainpaw, then Rainwish. What a joy to have a name to exclaim, to howl! I hadn't chosen one for myself previously; there seemed no need, since I had no one to converse with.

Pinestar meant a lot to me. The tom's about a year older than me. Though he was young like myself, he had seen many a battle, and told me many a story. His crystal white fur, covered in stains of mud, blood, and ash. His eyes, the color of clouds and mist, with their failed sight. He was kind to me. And I have not forgotten it both during my journey with him, and long after.

His sister Mapleshine was the deputy of the clan. A good friend to me for many a year. We still talk sometimes. She's a long-legged light brown she-cat with ivory tabby stripes and amber-orange eyes. Though we are not as close as we once were, we have journeyed far together, and I do not take that for granted. Later on she went by Eaglesong, but I accidentally called her Eagleshine a few years after the clans, and then the nickname stuck! She also gave me so many allegiances to use for this archive, and I thank her dearly for that. Without her, so much of this project wouldn't exist.

Anyways, StreamClan was a wonderful time with them and their other kin around. When they had to go due to a prophecy though... Well, things fell apart faster and faster. Ravenwing became our leader, and I her deputy, but she didn't like me. I can't say I was exactly fond of her either. Beforehand, her daughter had attempted to assassinate Pinestar, and called herself Blazestar before leaving the clan. She would then leave the clan for a while, and StreamClan wanted me to lead, so I did... until she came back, having my deputy Nightfang light the entire camp on fire with a lit branch during a hail storm... and attempted to kill me after I had evacuated all of the cats. Yeah. Not cool!

I managed to escape before she succeeded. I ran and hid in a forest clearing for a while. Pinestar, now known as Aquafrost, came to check up on me, concerned for my health after the fire. I'd live. Takes a lot more to end me; as the good ol' sayin' goes: no nothing, no miss, after all.

Eventually Ravenstar left the clan again, and never returned. I suspect she was getting tired of the internal drama that was beginning to occur. It made sense; unstable leadership can cause such a thing. So I returned to lead, and did so for a while. The drama grew worse and worse, though, not to mention the threat of a fox pack. It became too much for me too and I stepped down from leadership, handing it over to a cat named Hailstar/Lionstar. I don't remember him well, as our time was brief (I was still around in the clan this time), but I remember he tried his best for the clan, and that was enough.

I can't recall how he passed or left, but StreamClan was dying, and we all knew it. I still stuck around and did what I could. I led StreamClan into battle against StormClan, a new neighboring clan who wanted territory for its large ranks, and lost. The leader allowed us to be taken into the clan, which Stonefur and I accepted. I stayed there for a while as Greyspot.

I didn't previously mention Stonefur, did I? He was my practically my son. A black tom with dark grey ears, chest, belly, paws, and tail tip. Deep blue eyes. I took him in when he needed me, a rogue in need of help, and he joined StreamClan during Ravenstar's reign. He would even spy for me while I was away. He was initially known as just Stone, but I made him a warrior. He already had the true heart of one. During my second reign, after Ravenwing was gone from leadership for good, he was deputy, though he did not want to lead after I stepped down, hence another cat taking over.

Stonefur eventually settled down and had kits in StormClan. I was restless, though. I reunited with Mapleshine, now known as Eaglesong, one day in Sarepia. She told me that Aquafrost wanted me in his new clan, ThornClan. I accepted, and left StormClan. I would miss Stonefur, as he was like a son to me, but I knew where my heart was leading my paws.

Aquafrost had made a system of "Units" for ThornClan. I was to lead the Rose Unit of Spies. Why these Units, you may ask? Well, his brother Darkstar (NOT the leader of StormClan, who happens to go by the same name. Twas a common one at the time) had been a threat to him and all of the kin on his side pretty much all his life. He wanted to prepare for war, and any worst case scenario. I supported him in his efforts, as from the stories I was told in the past... Darkstar was far from a kind cat.

Unfortunately, ThornClan's story was never finished, and the final battle never took place. Us main cast had our lives outside of the game to deal with, and we ended up parting ways prematurely, without any official goodbyes. It gives me grief to this day. Still, I have never stopped hoping, never ceased searching, never given up for a trace that will lead me back to Aquafrost. I did manage to find Eagleshine again, years later, but not him. We don't know where he is or what he is up to now. I want to make up for lost time, and explain why I unjustly disappeared, all those years ago. It's been nearly a decade now as I write this, but my story is not complete-this I have always known. And I will wait forever to find him, and all of the lost clanmates lost to time. Their kindness has not been forgotten, and it inspires me to this very hour.

I've had some smaller, miscellaneous adventures since those lost days. Sometimes, I go and visit what remains of the world. It is lonely, though. Few of us are left. We are shadows now, of a time long past. I await the hour when this at long last changes. I refuse to give up on such things, despite everything. I will weave it myself if I must with these greying paws.

May we meet again in this life, the next, or as interlocking dust. That would be more than enough.

~ Rainwish


An Animal Jam player card. There is a wolf of various splotches and shades of blue facing the viewer. She has a blue fox hat, silver spike, green bow and arrows, blue elf braclets, and blue tail armor. The username displayed is ae51021, and the wolf's name is Explorer Rainycat.