Changing Names

The main cast of characters here have had several name changes during these roleplays. Despite the conflicting description information in the allegiances, these are the same cats. Different Animal Jam wolf avatars and accompanying names were used during different clans. They are listed below in known order.

Aquakit-> Thunderpaw-> Thunderclaw-> Aqua-> Froststar-> Pinestar-> Aquafrost (tiger210004)

Maplekit-> Leopardfur-> Leopardstar-> Star-> Eaglesong-> Mapleshine-> Eaglesong (Tigress10004; nicknamed Eagleshine later on by me :)

Pinekit-> Timberfall-> Pinefall (???)

Darkkit-> Darkheart-> Darkstar (???; NOT of StormClan. He was the main antagonist and resided elsewhere after SwiftClan)

Rockbreeze (thequeenoftheorcas)

Dragonkit-> Dragonheart-> Dragon-> Dragonheart (aquastarsuncle; he also played Rowandusk, an AuroraClan warrior, hence the username)

Ebony-> Ebonyfrost (tigergirl10004; she also had a character named Swiftpaw in one of the two AuroraClans)

Ivy-> Ivyleaf (thequeenofstarclan; possibly Leaftail during StreamClan)

Doveheart (???; possibly Dovewing)

Marblefire (???)

Moon (???)

Spirit-> Dapplepaw-> Dappleleaf (alex8780)

Unnamed-> Rainpaw-> Rainwish-> Rainstar/Rainwish-> Greyspot-> Rainwish (ae51021)