Additional Images
Originally, I had all of these allegiances on the Animal Jam Clans Wiki within my profile page. However, I wanted more creative freedom, and so I chose Neocities for this archive. There are some images from there I have no other place for on this website, so I've decided to make a compilation of them here. More may be added over time, depending on what I can get my greying paws on. Unfortunately, several of the player account images here have long been deleted, presumably due to inactivity.
Tiger210004 a while back. Aquafrost!
Tigress10004. Good ol' Eagleshine!
Unfortunately, I have no images or users for Pinefall and Darkstar... but perhaps one day, they will be here too with their siblings :)
Thequeenoftheorcas. Grumpy ol' Rockbreeze. She used to tease me. One day, I'm going to find a reason to tease her back. Trust me.
Aquastarsuncle. Dragonheart. Unfortunately, I hardly remember him, but he was definitely there.
Tigergirl10004. This is Ebonyfrost. Like her mate, I hardly remember her... but she was most certainly there, too.
Thequeenofstarclan. Ivyleaf! Everyone's favorite doctor.