AuroraClan (1)

Leader: Aurastar - big blue-grey tom with giant white paws, once known as Aurawater (???).

Deputy: Jaywhisker - big dark grey tabby tom with a white chest and yellow eyes (???).

Medicine Cat: Emberwing - ginger and white she-cat with heather eyes (???).


Spiderflame - dark tortoiseshell tom with light green eyes; Aurastar's father (???).

Brindlespot - spotted brown she-cat with yellow eyes; Aurastar's mother (???).

Rowandusk - reddish-brown tom with brown stripes, a white muzzle and chest, and green eyes; Aurastar's brother (aquastarsuncle).

Roseleaf - grey tabby and white she-cat; Rowandusk's mate (???).

Passionflower - white she-cat with green eyes and ginger and black patches; Oakflower's sister (???).

Redlightning - reddish brown tom with yellow eyes; Passionflower's mate (???).

Grassfrost - brown tabby tom (???).

Mistywater - silver she-cat with grey tabby fur on her muzzle and paws with light blue eyes; Jaywhisker's mate (???).

Owlfeather - brown tom with a white underbelly and black stripes (???).

Daisyfang - ginger and white she-cat (???).

Kiwistripe - black and white she-cat with green eyes (???).

Bonetooth - white and grey dappled tom with dark green eyes; Jaywhisker's son (???).

Tendrilrise - brown tom (???).

Beigesky - creamy she-cat with blue eyes (???).

Thicketberry - brown tom with spiky fur (???).

Bramblewing - dark brown tabby she-cat (???).

Scorchfire - black and brown tom (???).

Magmaflower - white she-cat with black and ginger splotches (???).

Fennelshine - brown and white she-cat (???).

Heathermist - silver she-cat with heather-coloured eyes; Jaywhisker's daughter (???).

Poppyflare - light grey she-cat with a striped tail and white underbelly with green eyes; Jaywhisker's mother (???).

Riversong - long-haired grey tom with a stump tail and amber eyes (???); Jaywhisker's father.

Cloudstripe - pale grey tabby tom with green eyes; Jaywhisker's brother (???).

Ashshade - grey tabby tom with blue eyes (???).

Badgerswipe - black and white tom with amber eyes (???).

Splashflight - grey she-cat with black stripes and green eyes (???).

Woolyfern - white tom with yellow eyes (???).

Vanilladream - white she-cat with blue eyes and brown paws, face, and tail (???).

Leatherpelt - brown and white tom (???).

Queens and Kits:

Oakflower - pretty light brown she-cat with white tabby stripes and amber eyes (???), mother to Aurastar's kits: Maplekit, a she-kit who is the spitting image of her mother (Tigress10004), Darkkit, a tiny black tom with red eyes (???), Pinekit, a dark brown tabby she-cat with black stripes, one white forepaw, and a green and blue eye (???), and Aquakit, a white tom with ice-blue eyes (tiger210004).

Neighboring Clans:

FireClan, StoneClan, LeafClan, and SwiftClan

(+ most likely more cats around)


AuroraClan (2)

Leader: Aquastar - tom (tiger210004 because he's always the leader. He's cool though :)

Deputy: Unknown

Medicine Cat: Unknown


Mudclaw - ??? (???).

Cinderstripe - ??? (Wolfhowlofshadowclan).

Darkstorm - ??? (Rockstar1587).

Arcticheart - ??? (Mydog6).

Crowtail - ??? (Toxiccupcake1234).

Firefur - ??? (Daredevilwolfdog).

Dovewing - ??? (Pufflelover9).

Echoshadow - ??? (Ivymamieturner).

Redlightning - ??? (???).

Brightheart - ??? (Uru909).

Brokenfeather - ??? (Catsoftheclans7).

Blackcrow - ??? (Mw29783).

Icefang - ??? (Iloveseekers).

Willowpelt - ??? (Awsometigerox).

Dawnclaw - ??? (grumpy0331).

Lightningstreak - ??? (Wongj2).

Greystripe - ??? (Floodwater45).

Whitefur - ??? (???).

Mika - ??? (MikaOlcast8001).

Lightningbolt - ??? (Monica123099).

Flameflower - ??? (Flopseybunny).

Roseleap - ??? (AJrosemary).

Daisymoon - ??? (applepie86).

Sunfur - ??? (Okr888).

Cheetahfur - ??? (leapordcheetahlion).

Mosspelt - ??? (Joanna16249).

Ironclaw - ??? (???).

Firestone - ??? (woho2).

Darklight - ??? (arcticwolf80).

Graydust - ??? (biredear).

Berryclaw - ??? (ajc2008).

Riverheart - ??? (daredevilwolfdog).

Cloudberry - ??? (woho2).

Whiteclaw - ??? (gogefall0).

Moonlight - ??? (wolfygohowl).

Darkshadow - ??? (miss3303).

Frostbite - ??? (jay30607).

Blacktip - ??? (discobunny123).

Rivernurse - ??? (prettyswiftstar).

Ivypool - ??? (mycoolteadies).

Blackfire - ??? (sincara0306).

Thistlefang - ??? (callistol4).

Silverstream - ??? (pinkymcbean).


Berrypaw - ??? (???).

Blackpaw - ??? (???).

Moonpaw - ??? (???).

Brokenpaw - ??? (???).

Daisypaw - ??? (???).

Lightningpaw - ??? (???).

Peachpaw - ??? (???).

Queens and Kits:

Grayfur - silver she-cat with grey tints and blue eyes (firecrackerpelt), mother to Aquastar's kits: Stormkit, a pure dark grey tabby tom with royal blue eyes (???), Aquakit, a small blue-grey tom with lush green eyes (???), Spiritkit, a light grey tom with amber eyes and white stripes (???), and Silverkit, a light grey tabby she-cat with green eyes (Wetpaw122).

Tawnykit - ??? (tucker107105).

Lilykit - ??? (naturegirl404).

Littlekit - ??? (bunnybunnyhop101).

(+ most likely more cats around)


Additional Notes

Four other clans called FireClan, StoneClan, LeafClan, and SwiftClan took place alongside AuroraClan (1). These five clans had tense Gatherings together before the other four clans wiped AuroraClan (1) out due to territorial jealousy, killing everyone besides Oakflower's four kits, who were taken into SwiftClan. AuroraClan (2) takes place after these kits (now grown-up) leave SwiftClan. The clan is recreated by Aquastar. RiverClan (both 1 and 2) also took place around the same time as AuroraClan (2) as his sister had her own adventures elsewhere before they reunited later on.

In AuroraClan (1), there was an outsider kit named Juno who became friends with Aquakit and Darkkit. They would hang out with her, but neither of the brothers would do so at the same time. Darkkit loved her, while Aquakit just saw her as a friend (while Darkkit believed otherwise). During the attack on the clan, Juno jumps in and saves Aquakit's life. Aquakit, Maplekit, and Pinekit flee. Later that day, Darkkit comes with two SwiftClan warriors and they take the four siblings into the clan.

AuroraClan (1)... This was Juno's Fate.

AuroraClan (1) took place within the territory of a beautiful waterfall, with the other four clans neighboring it. The Animal Jam den it took place in is unknown.

In AuroraClan (2), Stormkit became Stormfang, Aquakit became Aqualeaf, Spiritkit became Spiritstripe, and Silverkit became Silverheart. There was a cat named Doveheart around (possibly named Dovewing instead or at the same time).

The Animal Jam den AuroraClan (2) took place in, as well as its terrain and territory, is unknown.

AuroraClan (2)... This was Dove's Rise.