
Leader: Sparrowstar - dark grey tabby tom (???).

Deputy: Dawnstripe - golden she-cat with white stripes (???).

Medicine Cat: Shadowspot - white tom with black splotches (???).


Fernfoot - ginger and white she-cat with green eyes (???).

Appletuft - reddish brown tom with white paws (???).

Hawkwhisker - grey tom with dark green eyes (???).

Shardflight - silver-grey she-cat with a white belly (???).

Brackenfrost - golden brown tom with white specks (???).

Dustfur - silver tabby tom with amber eyes (???).

Shrewnose - light brown tom with a narrow muzzle (???).

Kinktail - tabby she-cat with a long bushy tail (???).

Windtalon - ??? (???).

Gorsethorn - creamy-ginger she-cat with yellow eyes; Kinktail and Windtalon's mother. (???).

Thunderclaw - white tom with blue eyes and fur stained with blood and mud (tiger210004).

Pinefall/Timberfall - dark brown she-cat with white speckles, black stripes, and a green and blue eye (???).

Darkheart - small black tom with red eyes (???).

Rockbreeze - white she-cat with black/grey tabby splotches and blue eyes (thequeenoftheorcas).


Cloverpaw - orange and white tom - (???).

Queens and Kits:

Leopardfur - golden she-cat with ivory stripes and amber eyes (Tigress10004), mother to Lizardstripe's kits: Viperkit, a black tom (???), and Honeykit, a golden she-cat with amber eyes (???).

Berryshade - cream she-cat with a white belly and amber eyes (???), mother to Thunderclaw's kits: Dragonkit, a giant black-and-white tom with amber eyes (aquastarsuncle), Venuskit, a light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes (???), Frostkit, a muscular white tom with dark blue eyes (???), Acidkit, a dark tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes (???), and Skykit, a beautiful crystal white kit with ice-blue eyes (???).

(+ most likely more cats around)


Additional Notes

An interesting thing to note about SwiftClan was that leadership, and thus camps/dens, would constantly change. Whoever Sparrowstar was, he led for a brief period of time before Dawnstripe took over, and the cycle keeps going.

Thunderclaw was mentored by Shardflight.

Rockbreeze's brother was Cloverpaw, and she had two kits with Windtalon named Stumpkit and Hollykit (unknown kit users). Viperkit became Vipertooth, and Honeykit died. Dragonkit became Dragonheart, Venuskit to Venustail, Frostkit to Frostwing/Thrushpelt, Acidkit to Acidtooth, and Skykit died. All of Berryshade's kits, minus Dragonheart, went with her to Darkheart in another clan, while Dragonheart stayed with his father for the rest of the roleplay.

The Animal Jam den SwiftClan took place in, as well as its terrain, is unknown.