RiverClan (1)

Leader: Velvetstar - she-cat (???).

Deputy: Waspvenom - tom (???).

Medicine Cat: Meadowmouse - she-cat (???).

Apprentice: Fallowfoot - she-cat (???).


Sagetail - tom (???).

Streamclaw - tom (???).

Leopardfur - long-legged light brown/golden she-cat with ivory stripes, white underbelly, paws, and amber eyes (Tigress10004).

Specklemoon - she-cat (???).

Bluepool - she-cat (???).

Fawnspot - she-cat (???).

Crak - tom (???).


Harveypaw - tom (???).


Cobrakit - ??? (???).

Rabbitkit - ??? (???).

(+ most likely more cats around)


RiverClan (2)

Leader: Leopardstar - long-legged light brown/golden she-cat with ivory stripes, white underbelly, paws, and amber eyes (Tigress10004).

Deputy: Gorsewing - tom (???).

Medicine Cat: Fallowfoot - she-cat (???).


Harveyfire - tom (???).

Rabbitfang - tom (???).

Thrushfur - tom (???).

Fawnspot - she-cat (???).

Queens and Kits:

Cherryfoot - she-cat (???), nursing Gorsewing's kits Gingerkit, Frecklekit, and Greykit (???, ???, ???).

Specklemoon - she-cat (???), expecting Harveyfire's kits.


Crak - tom (???).

Bluepool - she-cat (???).

Waspvenom - tom (???).

Brokenclaw - tom, formally known as Streamclaw (???).

(+ most likely more cats around)


Additional Notes

Not the canon RiverClan! With how Tigress10004 is named Leopardfur/star, maybe she's a classic tabby? XD

The Animal Jam den both RiverClans took place in, as well as their terrain and territory, is unknown.